Wednesday, August 6, 2008

God Desires YOU

I just wanted to share something that God shared with
me this morning. We all know that God loves us and
that His love is perfect. He loves us
unconditionally, which is unlike anything we will
experience from anyone else. But it doesn't stop
there! Not only does God love us perfectly, but He
also desires to be with us and for us to come to know
Him intimately.

If we think about it, there are probably people in all
of our lives who we love but who we don't always want
to be around, so in our limiting human minds, we tend
to see God that way too. But that's not how He
is...not only does He love us, He ALWAYS wants to be
around us! He longs for us. He longs for our
company, and He also longs for us to know Him deeply.

Be encouraged that God loves you, and He wants to be
with you all the time - in good times and not so good


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the encouragement. It's always right on time! People may dissapoint us but God NEVER disappoints! He ALWAYS keeps His "appoint"-ments!

My ista said...

Great post baby! thank you for allowing The Holy Spirit to use ya!

"Free Da' Holy Ghost!"

Anonymous said...

Thank you Stephanie for being led by the Holy Spirit and for sharing and encouraging others. You are a blessing.