Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Sow the Seed of YOU

1 Corinthians 15:36-38 AMP
36…Every time you plant seed, you sow something that does not come to life [germinating, springing up, and growing] unless it dies first. 37Nor is the seed you sow then the body which it is going to have [later], but it is a naked kernel... 38But God gives to it the body that He plans and sees fit, and to each kind of seed a body of its own.

What is a seed? In its purest form, a seed can be described as a source or beginning. YOU are a seed, and it’s up to you in what soil you will plant yourself. In general, most seeds look the same, and the same is true for people who are away from God. While they may not all choose the same sins to partake of, they all sin – and look basically the same: searching, empty, and lonely. It’s not until you make the choice to plant the seed of YOU into God’s soil that you will see who you really are!

If you had a bowl of seeds, you probably couldn’t tell the different between a seed that would produce a flower and a seed that would produce a vegetable. Why? Because as seeds in a bowl, you can’t see their full potential or destiny. It’s not until you plant a seed, in the right environment, with the right conditions and the right amount of food, water and sunlight, that you slowly begin to see what it was meant to produce. The same is true for you. It’s not until you come to know Jesus as your personal LORD and SAVIOR, you immerse yourself in the Word of God, and you commit yourself to learning God’s will for your life that you will begin to see what you were meant to produce.

And notice how God’s kingdom (His way of doing things) works: most of this process is up to YOU. Yes, God is there helping you in your weaknesses, giving you the strength and desire to press on, but ultimately if you don’t do the work in your life, it won’t get done. As my Pastor says, “Anything significant that happens in your life will be initiated by you.” No one can get saved for you, no one can go to heaven or hell for you, and no one can fulfill your destiny for you.

What is the first step in planting the seed of you in God’s soil? Death. Death to your flesh and your way of doing things. Death is not such a bad thing. If Jesus never died, He could never have been glorified, and if you never make the choice to die daily to your self, you’ll never experience the true glory of God in your life in the way God intended. You can’t truly come to life in Christ until you die to this world first.

God has a tailor-made plan for YOUR life. He hasn’t run out of good ideas and decided to recycle His plan for someone else’s life to give to you but rather He has planned out every single minute of every single day that you are on this earth. It’s up to you to seek Him out in order to find that plan. 1 Corinthians 15:38 says But God gives to it the body that He plans and sees fit, and to each kind of seed a body of its own. God has a body just for you, one unlike any other in the whole world or in all of past eternity, and He wants more than anything for you to find that body as you plant the seed of you in His fruitful soil.

Philippians 1:6 says And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you. And Philippians 2:13 says …for it is God Who is all the while effectually at work in you [energizing and creating in you the power and desire], both to will and to work for His good pleasure and satisfaction and delight. Don’t worry; take heart that GOD is on YOUR side and is ready, willing and able to help you…but you must take the first step and help yourself by making the decision to plant the seed of you in Him.

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